The CBD Coffee Trend

Maybe you have heard of the new trend hitting the CBD marketplace, maybe you haven’t. It is simple. CBD coffee is coffee infused with Cannabidiol (CBD). It is a growing sensation in the coffee industry and can even help mellow out your morning cup of joe. Remember, CBD is non-psychoactive, so you won’t feel dazed. Don’t worry caffeine lovers, CBD is known for its latent relaxing effects on the body… mentally you should still get that zip of caffeine you crave without the jittery edge.

For all of the coffee fanatics out there, if you cannot find any local cafes serving up this natural infusion… you can make CBD coffee in the comfort of your own home. It is as easy as adding a few drops of flavorless tincture to your morning cup. You can also use CBD oil as a supplement in your brew, however, you will have to put the mixture into a blender since oil won’t want to blend into your coffee and will naturally rise to the top of the cup. You can also enjoy this brew over ice, perfect for the hot summer months. Enjoy!

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